Parenting: The Next LevelIf there’s one common denominator between Parenting and Gaming — it’s that the next level is always harder than the last.Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
How To Get Started: Just Do ItI often caution my teams at work about analysis paralysis. Getting stuck in the cycle of overthinking the process or action you want to do…Aug 25, 2020Aug 25, 2020
Every Black Book Needs a White ReaderOne year later, as we all try to educate ourselves, I’m hoping the messages from ‘What Can We Be?’ can resonate stronger than ever.Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
‘What Can We Be?’ Q&A with Kayla Coombs and Ryan CrawfordKayla and I answer some questions from our friends about how our debut novel, ‘What Can We Be?’ came to life!Jan 20, 2020Jan 20, 2020
What Can We Be? Imagination to Reality. (Part 5)I had plenty of ideas on how the book should look. But Kayla had real IDEAS on how to bring it to life.May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
What Can We Be? Imagination to Reality. (Part 4)Drawing stuff. It’s easy right?May 17, 2019May 17, 2019
What Can We Be? Imagination to Reality. (Part 3)‘Where did you find time to write a book?’ asked literally everyone I’ve spoken to over the past few years.May 10, 2019May 10, 2019